Location: Head Office: Azima Sacco Building, Wabera St. Thika Town.

Fixed Deposits Account

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    Features of Fixed Deposits Account

    • Minimum deposit Kshs.10, 000.
    • Minimum period 3 months.
    • Interest rate is on graduating scale
    • Contract honored after maturity.
      Same as saying through shrinking from toil and pain these cases are perfectly simple and easy to distinguish.
    • Members can secure advances at discounted rates.
      Enter Text

    Members can access the following related savings services.

    Group Savings Account

    Designed to cater for joint account and group welfare account

    Fixed Deposits Account

    Members can secure advances at discounted rates.

    Junior Saving Account

    Enable you to save for your childs future.

    Education Account

    Save towards your children's education or even yourown education.

    Holiday Account

    Designed to encourage customers to save for festivities e.g. Christmas holidays

    Micro Finance Account

    Interest rate is 1.5% per month or 18% per annum

    Services Account

    Enables people without accounts to enjoy banking services.

    Diaspora Account

    Enables members to introduce people staying abroad to access the same services enjoyed by them.

    ATM Services

    You can withdraw your money any time (24hrs)

    Mobile Banking

    You can access this service anywhere anytime.

    Save as You Earn Account (SAYE)

    A facility that enables members to save part of their salary by channeling it through the FOSA.

    Ordinary Savings Account

    Earnings can be channeled through the account ,such as salaries, dividends, and crop proceeds e.t.c

    Our Objective

    Provide high quality financial services to members so that they can achieve financial independence.

    Our Vision

    To be the leading Sacco in providing competitive financial products and services in Kenya.